The Scriptures teach that whenever a sinner turns to God in penitence and faith, forgiveness is given (1 John 1.9f), see also the parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk. 15.11-32).. Such reconciliation is central to the gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 5.6–11, 2 Cor 5.18–21), and is operative whenever the word of God is proclaimed. The ministry of reconciliation is signified in the gospel sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. It is made visible in and through the care of Christians for each other and for all sinners in obedience to Christ’s call to repentance (Mark 1.14–15; Luke 13.1–5). It is proclaimed in all our forms of public worship, and at the personal level through the priesthood of the Church and its ministers declaring God’s forgiveness. The ministry of individual reconciliation is part of Anglican tradition (see The Book of Common Prayer Visitation to the Sick and the Exhortations in Holy Communion).
Reconciliation not only involves our relationship with God, but also with the fellowship of the faithful, the Church. The priest exercises this ministry on behalf of the whole Christian community by declaring God’s forgiveness, and may, at the request of the penitent, offer guidance, counsel and encouragement.
Those who wish to make use of individual reconciliation can contact the parish priest.